Super Mario Fanon

Athene is one of Hera Lovebird's 2 cousins


Athene is a young adult with darker skin, white hair dyed purple at the ends, one green eye and one purple eye. she wears a white jacket, a dark purple dress and dark purple ballet shoes, she also has a birhtmark over her green. eye

In her Yoshi form, she is a purple tinted white Yoshi, with pink spikes, she keeps her green eyes, she still wears her slippers.



similarly to Hera, Athene was taken in to her father’s best friend and her aunt at brith.

Powers being born[]

years later, she was 10. She was out in her aunt’s garden when she noticed a few whorls of Emerald Green light emanate from around her arms, which caused the crops to grow. Her birthday was not special, she had a simple cupcake, she revealed her plant magic to her aunt, she told her that it was not going to be the only powers she earned. She told her about the yoshi walker powers, Athene was confused at 1st, how is going to sleep going to turn her into a yoshi?

she went to bed that night, and fell asleep, when she woke up, she realized she woke up in the body of a yoshi. She looked at her human body, realizing what her aunt meant by her powers, she decided not to reveal her powers to her aunt, she left the house until the daytime came, she was out in the garden to practice her powers when it finally came, she found a way to return to her human body, when she woke up, she decided to tell her aunt, which she understood.


Athene possess abilities that have been passed on from her family.

Transformation: Athene finds that her spirit leaves her body while sleeping and takes on the physical form of a Yoshi.

Communication: Athene has the ability to understand the Yoshi's

Plant Growth: Athene can influence and accelerate the growth of plants causing flowers and other plants to bloom instantaneously, causing them to mature with supernatural speed, grow to unusual size, and produce in abundance. She can cause plants to grow from seeds to mature plants in moments, cause them to flower and produce fruits, seeds, etc. outside season, cause a cut plant to grow roots and other similar feats.


  • Athene is named after the Greek Myth Athena, an ancient Greek goddess associated with wisdom, warfare, and handicraft.
  • Athene is the only human Wolfwalker Mario character whose last name was never revealed in the video she was created in.



Athene is Yoshi form
