Super Mario Fanon

Claw is my first fan character on this wikia.He looks alot like Mario though his clothes differ and his personality differs aswell.Hes the older brother of Mario and Luigi.He is also friends with Blue and Yonder.



Part human,part raccoon
Mushroom Kingdom
Date of death
Around 100 years later
Eye color
Sky blue with black irises
Weapon of choice
Claw gloves(can extend and withdraw 3 claws from each hand,similar to Wolverine from X-Men),Aura Blade,His Tail,his own fists
Mario,Luigi,good,pasta,Blue,Yonder,Toad,Baby Mario,Baby Luigi,karts,racing,beating up Bowser's minions
Bowser,evil,people getting hurt,doing something bad
28(was 27 before meeting Mario and Luigi)
Birth date
December 12, 1958

Claw's Mr. Form,Mr.N sprite


Claw was seperated from Mario and Luigi for a long time.1 year later,he found them,and then they went into numerous adventures.


Claw's jump is a little higher than the jump of Mario's and Luigi's.He can extend and withdraw 3 claws from each glove(hence the name Claw),similar to Wolverine from the X-Men series.Claw can also use all the power ups Mario and Luigi can use,plus fire attacks and combos and a double uppercut then a spinning continuing for 5 seconds fire uppercut.He also has a Raccoon Tail and Raccoon Ears.Because of this,he has the power of flight.He also uses his tail and ablities for combat.He is also stronger than Mario and Luigi.


Claw's sprite look(does not contain Raccoon Ears and Tail)

"Death" by Bowser[]

Claw eventually got "killed" by Bowser,although Mario and Luigi realized he wasnt completely dead.They realized Claw couldnt die unless his living time was over,although his soul would still remain.


He was brainwashed by Dimentio and turned into Mr.N,making him lose his tail and ears,and they are replaced with a scarf sorrounding his neck and a black mask.Mr.N is very diffrent from the original Claw,as he is the complete opposite of him; While Claw is kind,gentle and patient Mr.N is arrogant,likes fighting and is not patient at all.Mr.N is also called "Yellow Thunder".


Curious is Claw's pet Hermit Crab, and is very small, as all tiny hermit crabs. He is very fast, and was put to race in the Great Escape course with many other medium and big hermit crabs, and won.
