Super Mario Fanon
Super Mario Fanon

Donkey Kong React to the Overview Trailer of his Old 2010 Game is a fanfiction short written by MarioFan65. The short is about Donkey Kong reacting to the overview trailer of his old 2010 game, still upset over not being a new game. It was released on December 15, 2024.


  • Donkey Kong
  • Diddy Kong
  • Dixie Kong
  • Cranky Kong


(One day at the Kong house in Donkey Kong Island, Donkey Kong and his friends eating some banana sundae together as well putting some chocolate and caramel syrup on it)

  • Donkey Kong: Ooh ooh ooh.
  • Diddy Kong: Taste that banana sundae, will ya?
  • Dixie Kong: It does look great.
  • Cranky Kong: I'll never get tired of eating that ice cream treat.
  • Donkey Kong: It's a good treat for all of us.
  • Diddy Kong: Never get old.
  • Dixie Kong: I find it delicious!
  • Cranky Kong: Ice cream is my jam.
  • Donkey Kong: Never say never with the treats.
  • Squawks: *show up* DK! DK!
  • Donkey Kong: Squawks. It's you. What happen?
  • Squawks: You got a overview trailer for the remaster of Donkey Kong Country Returns HD! I can't believe it's here!
  • Donkey Kong: *shocked* What? No! Why would they remaster a very old game from the 2010s. They already remaster the game on 3DS. Why bother remaking the same game over and over?
  • Diddy Kong: Maybe Nintendo wanted us to wait for a new game to come while we get a remaster of a classic game.
  • Dixie Kong: Isn't it fair?
  • Donkey Kong: No! How is this happening?
  • Cranky Kong: Donkey Kong Country Returns is a good game. I always wanted to play it again!
  • Squawks: Are you interested on watching the overview trailer for your old game from 2010?
  • Donkey Kong: Ugh! No! Yes! Just play it!
  • Squawks: Okay! Here we go!
  • Dixie Kong: Ooh, here we go.
  • Donkey Kong: I am not happy about this.

(Donkey Kong and his friends watch the overview trailer for Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, all the way from the gameplay with the bouncing, blasting and spinning through levels and beating up enemies as Donkey Kong is upset as always and angered by the re-release of a game he already played a while back. Donkey Kong's friends were hyped about seeing some DK Coins as Donkey Kong smash the screen and slam the TV on the ground, shocking his friends over.)

  • Diddy Kong: DK! What happen?
  • Dixie Kong: What did you do?
  • Donkey Kong: It's old! Look at it!
  • Squawks: DK! That was your favorite TV!
  • Cranky Kong: You're gonna have to pay a new one now.
  • Donkey Kong: It's over! The overview trailer is over!
  • Cranky Kong: You don't dare to speak to your pops like that!
  • Donkey Kong: Grandpops, whatever!
  • Squawks: I'm very sorry if you don't like how the trailer looks, but you need to stop slamming TVs every time you watch something.
  • Donkey Kong: That's because I already played a game I know from 2010 and feel like I don't need to play it again.
  • Diddy Kong: I heard the remaster got a lot exclusive stuff when you pre-order the game which is pretty cool.
  • Donkey Kong: I'm just angry about it.
  • Cranky Kong: Don't you wanna replay Returns HD when it comes out?
  • Donkey Kong: No. I'm good. Have a nice day. *sleep*
  • Diddy Kong: Whatever DK. You are still my buddy after all.
  • Dixie Kong: You don't have to be a screw-loose to be picky about it.
  • Cranky Kong: You haven't seen anything fun in your life, do you?
  • Donkey Kong: Nope.
  • Squawks: Oh DK. What have you done? *fly away*





  • The short was released in wake of the overview trailer of Donkey Kong Country Returns HD on December 11, 2024.