EM is the main antagonist of the fan-made story Super Mario Bros. 240. He is an evil robotic version of Mario who was created by Bowser to destroy Mario, Luigi and Toad, as that was his sole purpoise. However, since he decided that killing three people was boring, he decided to betray Bowser and kill much more beings than he was programmed to, as killing other beings makes him more powerful. His ultimate goal is to destroy the Mushroom Kingdom and then the entire galaxy so that he will kill enough people to become so powerful that he becomes a god. He went around the kingdom absorbing and eating toads and yoshis, and burning down mushroom houses. One of the toads that EM ate was Toad himself. He also ate Yoshi.
Bowser created an evil magical robotic version of Mario named EM, who was programmed to defeat the real Mario. However, he later betrayed his creator and started doing bad things like killing toads, destroying everything and trying to destroy the whole Mushroom Kingdom.
Much like Cell from the Dragon Ball franchise, EM had the power to absorb people or eat them. When he was encountered by Bowser Jr., Ludwig and Larry, they asked him if he is Mario, and he replied, "No, you old crackheads! I'm a robotic version of him!" And they said, “Oh!” He then decided to devour them and say, "Turtles taste great. Especially when they're child turtles.".
Later, when Bowser had Peach hostage and realized what EM was doing, and also realized that Bowser Jr. was gone, he immediately captured EM, held him tightly by the neck and threatened to kill him if he didn't tell him what happened to Bowser Jr. EM then reluctantly told him that he ate Bowser Jr. That made Bowser start crying in a fit of sadness, but EM got fed up with all Bowser's crying and punched him in the face. He then walked towards Princess Peach and was about to absord her, but was stopped by the real Mario.
Later, EM created a giant cloud in the sky to suck up and destroy the Mushroom Kingdom. Also, at the top of a tower near Bowser's castle, he and the real Mario were fighting. At the end of the fight, Mario had an idea. He grabbed EM, tore off his cape, threw him in a fireplace, closed the glass window, and was about to set him on fire. However, EM begged Mario to spare him and said that if he doesn't kill him, then he'll redeem himself and make up for his monstrous actions. As such, Mario decided to let him live. However, EM revealed that his remorse was just a façade to trick him. After he revealed to Mario that he wasn't actually going to redeem himself, he jumped at Mario and made them both fall out of the window of the tower, but Mario grabbed the edge of the window and climbed back up into the tower and EM fell to his death.
EM looks exactly like the real Mario, but with many differences. He has black feet, grey and red legs, a red body with a belt, grey cuffs, white hands, and white eyes with no pupils. His outfit slightly resembles that of M. Bison.
EM is a cold, ruthless and evil robot who enjoys killing people throughout the Mushroom Kingdom and the real world. Unlike Metal Sonic who simply followed his programming and was just as evil as he was programmed to be, EM betrayed his creator and decided to be more evil than his creator intended.