Freddy Schmich is one of Hera Lovebird's 2 cousins
Freddy is a young 11-year-old boy with olive skin tone, light yellow hair, and brown eyes, he wears a green shirt with a brown collar, brown pants and brown shoes.
in his Yoshi form, she is light yellow and still keeps his brown eyes, his legs, tail, and hands fade into translucent.
his father left him as a baby, leaving his single mother, who was a yoshiwalker to raise him by himself, he was bullied a lot at school, in order to hide the yoshiwalker heritage, she told him that his room will be in the basement of, she told him that he was too young to stay upstairs, because he was not ready. In order he wasn’t scared at night, she kept a special nightlight in his room.
Powers being born[]
at age 10, they were going to have his 10th birthday party, but was cancelled because the bully found out his family secret, as a result they had to temporarily run away, leaving his friends, while in the car, he felt sleepy, because they ran away so late, they finally parked and decided to stay in the car that night, he finally fell asleep. when he woke up, she realized he woke up in the body of a yoshi, his mom heard him scream, she decided to tell the truth to him, not only she revealed her Yoshiwalker heritage, but also revealed that they can grow plants, they returned home a week later.
Freddy possess abilities that have been passed on from his family.
Transformation: Freddy finds that his spirit leaves his body while sleeping and takes on the physical form of a Yoshi.
Communication: Freddy has the ability to understand the Yoshi’s language.
Plant Growth: Fred can influence and accelerate the growth of plants causing flowers and other plants to bloom instantaneously, causing them to mature with supernatural speed, grow to unusual size, and produce in abundance. His powers are not as strong as his cousins.
- Freddy is the only Yoshiwalker who wasn't named after a Greek myth. instead, his name is a combination of Freddy Fazbear and Mike Schmidt, 2 of the main characters from Five Nights at Freddy’s

Freddy in his Yoshi form