Super Mario Fanon

Frodo is a Character from the fanmade TV Show, The Frodo Show.

In The Frodo Show[]

Frodo Appears In his own show, And appears White And black except for the backgrounds and other characters in the Frodo show.

In The Super Mario Series[]

Frodo Appears in the Super Mario TV Show, Super Mario X. However, he appeared with shading and had Darker Coloring than the one in the Frodo Show.


A DVD Relsased in 2015, Featured 2 DVDs With Each and every Episode in season 1, and 2 in the Frodo Show.


  • Frodo has made a cameo in Some Video game cutscenes, but he Appears Colored In.
  • In Super Mario X, Frodo was made with a High Quality Drawing tool, while In the Frollo Show, he is Made with Microsoft Paint.
  • The Frodo Show also Includes Special FX, Made By Many Sony Vegas Pro Users.