- "You stupid pieces of crap. SCRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM
Excuse my freaking mouth "
- —Lemmy Koopa in Mario And Luigi Adventures to the next dimension
Ian Franser ~Lemmy~ Koopa is one of the seven Koopalings, and one of Bowser's adoptive children. He is almost always seen on his yellow ball. He is the smallest and cutest Koopaling which he has an orange shell and a ponytail which marks his cuteness.
Super Mario Moose[]
Lemmy will appear in Super Mario Moose as a boss. It is unknown which world he will be the boss of as of now.
New Super Mario Bros. Reborn[]
Lemmy is the Airship boss of World 3. His Nightmare Tower has lots of Bouncy Balls attached to the wall. And his Tower has 3 stars vertically and the Lemmy Koopa logo on the top of the Tower. Instead of being fought of the top, he is fought in his Airship. Many changes have made place, for example, he has his own Energy Blasts instead of Balls, he still stands on one, but it is Spiky like a Spiny. Sometimes a Skewer breaks the ground, even though it eventually comes back. Lemmy shoots Energy Blasts, and even throws Bombs sometimes, three stomps defeats him. Also, he will jump over the ground that the Skewer broke.
The Legend of the Rainbow Stars[]
Lemmy is the sixth Koopaling boss in World 6: Steel Canyon. His battlefield is five large Warp Pipes. Lemmy rolls in his ball shooting Bob-ombs. The player must stomp on his head once.