Zion Soriano, known as New Zionyugen is a bad user on the FANDOM Network. On YouTube he's known as Pikachu18. He is a GoAnimate/Vyond bad person.
- School
- TV Shows
- Movies
- YouTube
- Video Games
- Music
- Writing
- Food
- Maintaining ‘order’ in the FANDOM Network
- Work
- Rules
- Always being right
- Adithep Rakmanee
- Causing so much trouble in the fansites
- Stealing fanarts from people
- Excessively vandalizing
- Being Stupid Pierre
- Uploading sexual content
- Spammers
- Sexfics and trollfics being uploaded
- Adithep Rakmanee's fansite of lies
- Being constantly slandered by Adithep Rakmanee
- All of Rakmanee's surpporters
- Rakmanee posting lies about me on the internet
- Bruhman
- PsychoDuel
- Apthemprankietheking
- Kai yulong (formerly)
- Jeffrey-Alexander Anderson II vandalizing TheIkranRider's Mortal Kombat character articles
- The Yummo Wickersham article being constantly vandalized here in Fan Fiction Wiki and Dr. Seuss Wiki
- Lies and slander
- Casper Cain
- The Parody Wiki's Yummo Wickersham page deleted, due to my self-righteousness.
- Jordan Isle and all of his FANDOM accounts
- Granditacebú and all of his vandalizing FANDOM accounts, including these two
- Being told he's wrong