Omaydaus is a citizen of a floating republic Skytopolis, he is the descendant of the Repuplic’s Princess, he was turned into a Spiritwalker by an unknown Koopa
Omadayus is a light skinned human with dark brown eyes, pink hair with salmon frosted tips and a patch of brown on the left side of his face, he wears a light blue shirt with dark blue flame like decor and a black collar, black and blue pants, black gloves and light blue and dark blue pants.
in his Koopa Form, he has a pink body and keeps his brown eyes, only with blue pupils, he wears a black robe with blue details, he has pale blue and pink wings that are outlined blue (his wings sometimes reappear in his human form) his head and arms are disconnected from his torso.
Rex possesses wild abilities that come from having magic injected into him .
- Transformation: Upon becoming a Sprit, Rex finds that his spirit leaves his body while sleeping and takes on the physical form of a spirit that looks a lot like a Koopa. He can apparently choose for his Koopa form to return to his body (thus waking him up), and is currently being taught how to control his powers to stop his soul from leaving every time he falls asleep.
- flight: in human and Koopa form, Rex can levitate and fly, he fell off of Skytoplis and his spirit generated wings to help him fly and prevent from falling to his death.
- Omadays’s redesigned outfit was inspired by the Just Dance 2024 song Butter.
- he didn’t have any relations with Boy Bands

Omadayus's koopa form