Princess Brianna (A.K.A Beibei), was a participant for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, she is first introduced as a beautiful human princess from a unknown kingdom not far from Beijing. She arrives in Beijing with her four siblings, Hans, Jackson, Yolander and Nina and her cousin Felicia and their servants, where they met Mario, Sonic and their friends. Brianna immediately becomes fast friends with Princess Peach and the others. Bowser Jr. falls in love with Brianna and tries to marry her, much to her and the others’ disgust. Brianna was known for being talented at aquatic sports and has a beautiful singing voice, similar to a mermaid and can also turn into a mermaid as well. However, in the days leading up to the Olympics, Brianna, along with her siblings and cousin, were kidnapped by Ares, the god of war and his army of demons with Teams Mario and Sonic needing to rescue them with the help of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and the servants (who are actually revealed to be the pet guardian dragons) of Brianna, her siblings and Felicia. Athena reveals that Brianna, her siblings and cousin actually have special magic powers and are actually different from regular children, which is why Ares kidnapped them so he can absorb them to gain their powers. After seeing the pink light come from the pink gem on Brianna’s forehead, Teams Mario and Sonic successfully rescue Brianna, her siblings and Felicia by shattering their crystal prisons (and Peach catches Brianna from falling after Brianna’s crystal prison is shattered) and they help Peach (as Athena Peach (after Athena gave Peach some of her power)) and everyone else successfully defeat Ares and his demon army, Unfortunately, the building they were in started to collapse and Brianna, Hans, Jackson, Yolander, Nina and Felicia chose to fall with the building and use their magic powers to push Teams Mario and Sonic and their dragon companions out of the building for their safety while everyone else watches the building fall to the ground and collapse. Brianna, her siblings and her cousin all seemed like they were crushed to death by the falling building after sacrificing themselves to save Team Mario and Team Sonic from being crushed to death. Teams Mario and Sonic mourned the supposed death of Brianna, her siblings and her cousin, Peach was especially devastated when it looked like that Brianna and the other children had died, then it is revealed by Athena that Brianna, Hans, Jackson, Yolander, Nina and Felicia weren’t actually human at all, they were secretly the mascots of the 2008 Beijing Games disguised as humans. Brianna and her siblings were revealed to be the Fuwa (Brianna is revealed to be Beibei, Hans is Huanhuan, Jackson is Jingjing, Yolander is Yingying and Nina is Nini) and Felicia was Fu Niu Lele all along when they were all revealed to be still alive and transformed into their true forms. Brianna then reveals her real name is Beibei. After the 2008 Olympics were over, the Fuwas and Fu Niu Lele say goodbye to Teams Mario and Sonic but not before promising to see them again, Beibei hugs Peach before leaving.